Shell Free Artemia 50g

Shell Free Artemia is a user-friendly feed as the cysts dont need to be hatched anymore. The cysts have been dried and decapsulated of their indigestible outer cyst shell. This makes the highly valuable nutritional content of the embryo much more available. Shell Free Artemia combines the nutritional benefits of freshly hatched Artemia with the user friendliness of a dry food, it is all the goodness of baby brine shrimp, packed in a secure membrane. You only have to hydrate the cysts a couple of minutes before use. It is the ideal feeding solution for plankton feeders, grazers, tiny fish and shrimp larvae. 

No hatching needed 

No indigestible outer cyst shell 

Results in minimal water pollution because of its optimal water stability 

Ideal for baby fish 

Offers 30% to 50% more energy than live Artemia nauplii 


Artemia cysts 

Packaging details 

Shell Free Artemia, box of 50g (+/- 90ml) 

Suitable for  

Angels, Pygmy Angels/ Barbs, Tetras, Rasboras/ Basslets, Groupers/ Bettas/ Box, Blow & Pufferfish/ Butterflyfish/ Catfish, Loaches, Eels/ Cichlids/ Clownfish/ Damsels, Anthias/ Discus, Angels/ Gobies, Blennies/ Invertebrates/ Killifish/ Labyrinthfish/ Lionfish, Stonefish/ Livebearers/ Mandarins,CardinalsNano Reef/ Oddballs/ Piranhas/ Plecs/ Rainbowfish/ Seahorses, Razorfish/ Sharks, Rays/ Shrimps, Crayfish, Crabs/ Surgeonfish/ Triggerfish/ Turtles/ Wrasses 

Code: ON1025050

Brand: Ocean Nutrition

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