Frozen Aussie Turtlefood 100g

This food has been especially formulated to meet the nutritional needs of Australian species of Turtles and contains essential ingredients to maximize their health and wellbeing.  Mimics their natural diet (does not include fatty beef products that are not well digested by Turtles) and provides them with the best quality available. 

Our Turtle food consists of Fishmeat, Spinach, Krill Pacifica, Gammarus, Bloodworms, Mysis and added Calcium. It is high in vitamins and minerals, plus it's also low in fat. Turtles love this blend designed especially for them! 

Imported from Belgium, premium quality ingredients. 

Premium Stockist Deals available, ask when you place your next order. 

Suitable for: Turtles 

Ingredients: Fish and fish derivatives, molluscs and crustaceans, meat and animal derivatives, vegetables. 

For extra Turtle Treats, we also recommend: Gammarus, Chopped Mussels, (and for larger turtles Whole Mussels), White Shrimps, Whole Krill Superba, Krill Pacifica and also Chopped Cockles. 

100g Blister pack 

Minimum Unit Order Quantity 6 Pack

Discount Price for 36 Pack

Code: ON1500033

Brand: Ocean Nutrition Frozen

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